Welcome to the PNWS-AWWA Diversity & Inclusion Committee subsite

Mission Statement

The D&I Committee serves to shape a more diverse and inclusive Section. The Mission Statement of the committee is as follows: To foster a welcoming and inclusive AWWA culture that champions meaningful institutional and individual change regarding diversity and equity in the water industry. The committee is supported by the National AWWA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, which provides support nationally for Sections (https://www.awwa.org/Membership-Volunteering/Diversity-Center).

D&I Committee Monthly Calls, first Wednesday of the month, 11:00 – 12:00 via Microsoft Teams, contact ghortillosa@kbacm.com

Officer Members

Gina Hortillosa

Committee Chair

KBA, Inc.


Chandra Hingston

Board Contact

City of Hillsboro/Joint Water Commission


The Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee is now a committee!